We are pleased to announce that ASB Poland prolonged its membership in IVA, while ASB Czech Republic and ASB Slovakia became new members of the association. IVA (the International VAT Association) deals with international VAT issues representing the interests of businesses and advisers involved in VAT or equivalent turnover taxes around the world.
The membership in this world’s leading independent association enables our VAT specialists to share ideas, come up with new solutions, and determine standard courses of action. It also allows working with national tax administrations and the European Commission to propose simplifications and procedures allowing members, their clients, and business to become more competitive and less constrained by administrative burdens.
Our VAT Compliance team has extensive experience in all areas of VAT planning, VAT investigations, and other compliance matters. ASB’s membership in the International VAT Association allows us to co-operate with other member firms to provide joined-up advice to our clients whose business involves cross-border transactions or activities.