The temporary protection visa for citizens of Ukraine after the outbreak of the war in February 2022 had only a limited validity, now you need to extend this type of visa.
Since the Temporary Protection for Ukrainian citizens, who obtained it after the start of the war in February 2022, had limited validity, it is now necessary to extend this type of visa. All Temporary Protection holders will can apply for the visa’s extension if they obtained the Temporary Protection by the end of the year 2022, and if the visa’s validity was set to end on 31 March 2023.
The visa extension applies only to persons who obtained the Temporary Protection after crossing the Czech border, and who have received the correct type of visa label or stamp in their passport or state border crossing report.
In other words, it is possible to register for the Temporary Protection extension only if the current protection corresponds with one of these forms:
- a visa label with the codes D/VS/U, D/DO/667, D/DO/668, D/DO/669, D/DO/767, D/DO/768, D/DO/769
- a stamp (or handwritten record which has the same or similar text to the one on the stamp) in the applicant’s passport or state crossing report marked with the code D/VS/U
Applicants who are interested in extending their Temporary Protection have to register online through the official website for foreigners by 31 March 2023. For registration, it is important to enter your basic personal data and also the following information and documents – reported place of residence in the Czech Republic, in the case of children, it is necessary to include the address and name of the school or kindergarten into which the children enrolled for compulsory education, or proof of the relation to the person under the age 18 for whom the adult is applying for an extension of Temporary Protection. After registration, Temporary Protection will be automatically extended until 30 September 2023.
During the online registration, the applicant will be offered an in-person appointment at the Ministry of the Interior office, where the applicant will receive a new visa label. This appointment must take place by 30 September 2023 at the latest.
For the appointment at the Ministry of the Interior office, applicants must bring their valid passport or another document which can be used to prove one’s identity, and proof of accommodation. For the purpose of the Temporary Protection extension, proof of accommodation can be a rent agreement or other confirmation written by the property owner (for written confirmation the Ministry of the Interior has prepared two forms – one for accommodation provided by a natural person, the other for accommodation provided by a legal person). Proof of accommodation is not needed if the applicant is accommodated within the national system of emergency accommodation or if they applied for Temporary Protection after 27 June 2022 and the applicant’s current reported place of residence corresponds with the address reported to the Ministry of the Interior. After the applicant provides the ministry official with all the necessary information during their in-person appointment, the applicant will obtain a new visa label as confirmation that the Temporary Protection has been extended until 31 March 2024.
In the case of a person under 18, their registration for Temporary Protection extension can be completed only by their adult legal representative, who has to prove their relation to the underage person. Different documents can be used for this purpose, depending on who is being represented. In the case of the underage person’s absence at the in-person appointment concerning their Temporary Protection extension, it is compulsory to bring the above-mentioned documents, as well as the underage applicant’s photograph in passport format.
However, if the applicant has had their Temporary Protection revoked during the course of the year, or if it has legally expired, the applicant’s Temporary Protection cannot be extended at the moment in accordance with the above-mentioned procedure.
Download PDF: Extension of temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees