The government has prepared another specialty for us, in the form of the so-called isolation. We would like to introduce you to this novelty with this article.
This new form of benefit payment is approved retrospectively for March and will continue to apply during April. An employee is entitled to a higher sickness benefit if his illness or quarantine is related to Covid 19 or another infectious disease. When entering a disability, the doctor must state in a note where the profession is usually filled in and whether it is isolation or quarantine.
Quarantine - is goes into undergo quarantine because he or she may have been in contact with a covid positive person and there are no symptoms during this time.
Isolation - the employee already has a confirmed infection or has symptoms of coronavirus disease.
Interestingly, the isolation is approved from March 1, 2021, but if your incapacity was issued in February, the doctor can retroactively adjust the incapacity already issued to the employee, but you are only entitled to this increase from 5.3.
Example: An employee was declared incapacitated on 25.2.2021 (regular working hours from Monday to Friday). The doctor retrospectively corrects records stating ISOLATION. The employee is entitled to an increase in sick pay from 5.3. and since the employer pays only the first 14 days, the employee will receive higher sick pay in 4 days (ie from 5.-10.3).
If you have returned from abroad and you have been ordered to quarantine within 5 days of your return, the isolator does not apply to you (except for business trips).
And how do regular sick notes work today?
If you become ill, your GP will issue a sick note. Nowadays, sickness benefits are reported electronically and at the moment of exposure, everything is copied into the social insurance system. At the same time, your employer can download the confirmation of the sick note from his data box.
Quarantined employee
In this case, you will tell your doctor that the hygiene has ordered you to quarantine. He will issue a sick note similar to the above, but it will state a quarantine instead of the profession, not an illness
What might you be interested in in case of illness?
The first 14 days of illness are paid by the employer, even in the case of the above-mentioned "isolation". The employer will reduce his social security contribution by this increase. From the 15th day, the compensation is paid by the social security administration.
It happens that the employee continues to work from home. In this case, do not request a sick note from your GP. If this already happens, request its cancellation. This may take several days. However, inform your employer so that the illness is not compensated for by mistake even if you have worked.