Following the closure of the first grades of primary schools in the Czech Republic on 14 October 2020, parents of children under the age of 10 will be allowed to apply for nursing care due to the closure of the school. The law, which would allow employees to draw nursing allowance for days of care in individual calendar months, will be presented in Parliament in the following days.
In order to claim nursing allowance, parents will submit an application for nursing allowance to their employer due to the closure of the school facility after the end of the calendar month (or after the end of care during the month). The Czech Social Security Administration is preparing a new, simpler application form, which will be available on the CSSA ePortal:
The Government of the Czech Republic approved the Bill on Adjustments to the Provision of Nursing Benefits in Connection with Extraordinary Measures in the Event of an Epidemic, and on the Amendment of Act No. 187/2006 Coll., On Sickness Insurance, as amended. If the proposal in this form passes the approval process in the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and the signature of the President, the changes will be as follows:
An employee who is unable to perform work at work due to nursing/care is entitled to nursing allowance:
- a child under 10 years of age
- dependent children attending school dependent on the care of another person (from grade I onwards) without age restrictions,
- persons over 10 years of age-dependent on the care of another person using the services of day, weekly hospitals and similar facilities,
- children who are unable to attend school due to family quarantine regulations.
Under the above conditions, persons working for an agreement on the performance of work or on work activities will also be entitled to nursing allowances if social insurance is paid for them.
The support period will last for the entire duration of the emergency measure (closed schools or hospitals, duration of quarantine). The amount of the nursing allowance is 60% of the daily assessment basis. No confirmation of the school's closure will be required, this will be replaced by a solemn declaration by the insured that he must take care of the child due to the school's closure on the basis of an extraordinary measure. The proposed changes will apply for the entire period of validity of the emergency measures, but no later than 30 June 2021.
We are still monitoring the approval process of the proposal and we will keep you informed about further changes.
Klára Cowan
Head of Payroll
ASB Czech Republic