The non-seizable minimum, which must not be deducted from the wage or other income by the bailiff, as well as the amount of the subsistence minimum will increase as of 1 April 2020.
The non-seizable minimum, which must not be deducted from the wage or other income by the bailiff, was increased as of 1 January 2020. It will be further increased from 1 April 2020 as a result of the subsistence minimum and again this year for the third time as of 1. 7. 2020, when the construction of non-seizable amounts will change, which will bring further increase.
The parameters for wage deductions in 2020 will also change. As of 1 January 2020, the non-seizable amounts and the amount over which they have been deducted without restriction have been increased. As of 1 April 2020, the subsistence minimum will increase, and as of 1 July 2020, the construction of the non-recoverable amounts will change. And all this will in turn bring further increase in the seizure minimum.
As of 1 April 2020, the amount of the subsistence minimum of an individual will increase from the current CZK 3410 to CZK 3860. The non-seizure (not enforceable) amount per (the person himself) of the obligor (debtor) will (still) amount to 2/3 of the sum of the subsistence minimum of the individual, ie newly CZK 3860, and the amount of normative housing costs for one person 50 000 to 99 999 inhabitants, (as in the past) 6502 CZK, or 2/3 of the amount of 10 362 CZK.
From 1 April 2020, the non-enforceable amount for the obliged person will amount to 6908 CZK, which is 300 CZK more than before. As of 1 April 2020, the non-seizable amount per dependent of 1/4 of the non-seizable amount per debtor is set at CZK 1727, which is CZK 75 more than previously.
The amount over which the remainder of the net wage will be deducted without limit, equal to twice the sum of the individual's subsistence minimum and the amount of normative housing costs for one person, ie twice the sum of CZK 3860 and CZK 6502, will be from April 1, 2020. new) 20 724 CZK.
An increase in the non-recoverable amount may have a negative impact on creditors, as it will lead to a lower satisfaction of the creditors and possibly a significant extension of the repayment period by the debtor.
Klára Cowan
Head of Payroll Team
ASB Czech Republic