On Monday, April 27, the Czech government decided to extend the so-called Antivirus program by one month.
Employers who have been forced to suspend or reduce their business activity in connection with the coronavirus epidemic will be able to receive a refund from the state for wage compensation for the period from March 12 to the end of May.
The Antivirus program provides the opportunity to recognize the costs incurred by employers for compensation of employees' wages, including mandatory contributions for the period in which the employer's obstacle to work due to closure or reduction of operations due to the coronavirus epidemic persisted, either by direct government decision as part of announced preventive measures, or as a result of subsequent phenomena related to the epidemic.
The government approved this employment support instrument on March 31, effective from March 12 to April 30. The government decided on Monday to extend it until May 31 due the fact that the reasons for its recognition will last for many companies in May. Employers will thus be able to apply for compensation of wage for the month of May.
Klára Cowan
Head of Payroll Team
ASB Czech Republic
E: kcowan@asbgroup.eu