On Thursday, March 17, 2022, new laws which will be applied temporarily until the end of March of next year were approved.
Law on the Employment and Social Security of War Refugees from Ukraine - The so-called Lex Ukraine consists of norms regulating the assignment of protection and visas, employment, social security, humanitarian rations, and access to healthcare and education.
Foreigners from countries outside the European Union usually need an Employee Card and EU Blue Card or a work permit in the Czech Republic. Migrants who are allowed to live permanently in the Czech Republic do not need them. According to the new law, Ukrainian refugees with the so-called tolerated stay receive the same status as immigrants with a permanent residence permit.
The Ministry of the Interior had issued more than 205,000 of the above-mentioned type of visa by Sunday, and on the last day of the week it issued 4,604 of them alone. According to the Ministry of the Interior’s statistics, most Ukrainian refugees – almost 50,000 – are still in Prague. In the Central Bohemian Region there are 30,000 refugees, while in the South Moravian Region there are over 20,000 individuals.
Temporary protection
The law introduced a set of norms called “temporary protection”, based on which Ukrainian refugees can legally reside in the Czech Republic.
Social security, humanitarian rations, and employment
As of Monday, those who were issued the “tolerated stay visa” do not need to apply for a work permit but can look directly for a job. This way, refugees have the opportunity to be registered on the list of unemployed at the Labour Office. Employers will be able to employ the recipients of this temporary protection in any job position without limitation.
War refugees under the temporary protection are entitled to
Refugees who have been granted temporary protection are entitled to a healthcare service paid for by the public healthcare insurance. This law also applies to refugees who were provided with healthcare service no more than 30 days before receiving the temporary protection (but at the same time no sooner than the start of the Russian invasion).
Children of Ukrainian refugees will be entitled to attend children’s groups, with the state contributing to the participation of Ukrainian children.
The law determines special rules for accepting children, as war refugees from Ukraine, to kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, conservatories, and vocational collages. Such children can be accepted to the already ongoing 1st year of study. Schools can also alter their study plans according to the students’ needs.
To ensure access to education for the children, the law prolongs the period for applying to high schools and also prolongs the time for undergoing the entrance examinations.
Ukrainian war refugees are at the same time discharged from the obligation to pay the nostrification fee (Validation of Foreign Studies and Degrees) to simplify their access to qualified professions.
The Ministry of the Interior is preparing intensive Czech courses for the students to enable their easier integration.