The Czech Government has approved the extension of Antivirus program, which aim is to maintain high employment and avoid employee´s dismissions until the end of October 2020. The Antivirus programs, previously effective till the end of August 2020, were intended to be extend until the end of the year. However, Czech Minister of Finance Alena Schillerová has opposed such a long extension and decided to support primarily „kurzarbeit“ implementation. At this regime state compensates the part of week when employees are not able to work due to reduced business activity.
Antivirus program includes three regimes:
- Regime A - state compensates 80% of wages of employees in quarantine and employees from compulsorily closed establishments up to CZK 39 thousand of super-gross salary.
- Regime B – state provides compensation of 60% of wages in establishments where production and services were reduced due to supplies outage, lack of employees or deficient demand up to CZK 29 thousand of super-gross salary.
- Regime C - the part of social security premiums paid by employers with up to 50 employees was remitted until the end of August in the case that wages were not decreased and number of employees was not decreased by more than 10%. Regime C was not extended and was terminated at the end of August.
Any other questions regarding Antivirus program can be answered by our experts. To contact them please use email address:
Klára Cowan
Head of Payroll
ASB Czech Republic