It is becoming more and more difficult for employees to figure out under what conditions they are entitled to nursing allowance particularly in the Covid times.
Many different situations have arisen as a result of the emergency measures, and different rules apply to everyone. Whether in quarantine, illness, or closure of schools and currently also kindergartens. The overview below will help you to navigate who the employee should turn to and when, or where to send the documents.
Closure of schools and kindergartens
If an employee has to stay home with a child due to the closure of a schooling facility he must fill out the form which can be found at the CSSZ website link below.
This form is then sent to the employer for completion and dispatched to the relevant social security administration (hereinafter referred to as SSZ). The form is always filled in at the end of the current month to claim the benefit or after the nursing care has been terminated.
Unfortunately, during the holidays, it is not legally possible to draw nursing allowances due to the closure of schools. This was also applicable during the autumn and half-year term. The same rule will apply to all holidays within the school year. It is appropriate to agree with the employer whether you will be on holiday or request another form of absence, such as unpaid leave.
In such cases, when the kindergarten or school is forced to close due to the announced quarantine, the child's pediatrician will issue "nursing care" to the employees. The payment of the nursing allowance is then due for the entire period of this quarantine. It is necessary that the form contains this information and that the employer is subsequently informed about it.
Child's illness
In the case of a child's illness, the same rules apply as before. Nothing changes even if the child has coronavirus disease. The nursing care will be due to the parent only for 9 days (in the case of a single parent 16 days apply). If the nursing allowance is issued for more days, the employee is not entitled to the nursing allowance for that period, but this period is excused time off work for the employer. Due to government regulations on the closure of schools, there is the possibility of unlimited rotation. Due to quarantine or illness, this can only be done once.
You can only take turns throughout the day. It is therefore not possible in one day to be granted for ½ to be drawn by the father and the rest of the day by the mother
The nursing allowance also belongs to a person who works part-time and at the same time draws parental allowance. The condition is that the employee participates in health insurance. That is, also persons with the performance of activities based on an agreement on work activities with an income of more than 3.5 thousand crowns or an agreement on the performance of work with an income of more than 10 thousand crowns.
Nursing currently: introduction of rotational teaching, entitlement during the Easter holidays
Based on a government order of the Ministry of Health, the current general closure of school and children's facilities has been changed from Monday 12 April 2021 so that most children were allowed to return to schools and kindergartens. In most cases, it is so-called rotary teaching, where children will take turns in schools after a week. For parents who work in one of the selected professions, childcare will be provided outside the rotation system, and care will also be restored to the original extent at selected kindergartens.
For children in kindergarten, the ban on personal presence no longer applies if they are children who undergo compulsory pre-school education (they can be educated only in fixed groups of a maximum of 15 children)
The first stage of primary schools will then be followed by a rotating teaching system.
To the extent of ensuring full full-time care, school clubs and kindergartens will be opened for children of health care providers, selected pedagogical staff (who provide full-time education in kindergartens / primary schools, clubs, or school clubs, in the fields of education). o school facilities for institutional/protective education), employees of security forces, public health authorities, the Labor Office, the Financial Administration, the CSSA, the OSSA, and the members of the armed forces. The parents of these children are no longer entitled to the nursing allowance.
It is also possible to draw nursing care for two children. Either each parent claims one child or one parent claims both children. One application is issued for one child.
If the nursing allowance is already being applied, the generated application number must be used. The application stands as before, after the end of the month, the days of distance learning will be indicated on the form as days of child care
Entitlement to nursing allowance differs in the case of kindergartens and primary schools. In the case of primary schools, there is no entitlement for Thursday (1.4.), Which falls on the school holidays. The remaining days (Friday 2 and Monday 5.4.) are then public holidays and for these days the right to nursing is granted. Holidays (1.4.) do not apply to kindergartens and the right to nursing allowance is also granted for this day.
Increasing nursing allowance / Payment of crisis nursing allowance
On 21. 4. 2021, the Parliament of the Czech Republic approved an amendment to the law, according to which the so-called crisis nursing care is provided. This will now apply to the days of care in the calendar month in the amount of 80% of the reduced daily assessment basis (so far it was 70%) and will be paid retrospectively without a request for the period from 1 March 2021.
Therefore, parents should receive supplements during the first two weeks of May, depending on the payment method chosen.