On 29 May 2020 the new Regulation has been issued by the Minister of Finance as regards the IFT-2R information, i.e. information on the amount of revenue (income) generated by taxpayers of corporate income tax having no registered seat office or management board in Poland.
In accordance with the new Regulation the deadline for submitting the IFT-2R information has been extended:
- until the end of the 7th month following the end of the tax year - for taxpayers whose tax year ends within the period from 31 December 2019 to 31 March 2020.
The Ministry’s actions were dictated by technical reasons – as signalized by the Union of Polish Banks, banks acting as payers are currently able to send only approx. 63% of IFT-2R information for 2019. Thus, the entities obliged to prepare and submit the IFT-2R information may not have met the previously extended deadline of 31 May 2020 (deadline for taxpayers with a calendar tax year).
The Regulation entered into force on the day of publication.
Should you have questions, please contact our tax experts:
Łukasz Bączyk
Head of Tax, Board Member
E: lbaczyk@asbgroup.eu
Marta Skrodzka
Tax Manager - Tax Adviser
E: mskrodzka@asbgroup.eu
Piotr Szeliga
Tax Manager - Tax Adviser
E: pszeliga@asbgroup.eu